The ECED-Sahel project: Water and sustainable economic growth in the Sahel region

Credit: Terry Hugues

Credit: Terry Hugues

Credit: Terry Hugues

Credit: Terry Hugues

Credit: Terry Hugues

More videos here. (French only)
Credit: Jade Productions
The ECED Sahel project supports income-generating activities in the Burkina Faso communities of Dori, Gorom-Gorom, and Falagountou. Project initiatives improve access to water and sanitation services, and provide capacity building and training to community organizations and governmental organizations for the governance and the management of WASH services and facilities. 62,000 people will participate in the SABC interventions over the course of this project; these social art intervention activities are led by Espace Culturel Gambidi (ECG) and two other local artists’ groups from Gorom-Gorom and Falagountou IAMGOLD.
- The aims are to build water supply infrastructure, to deliver improved household sanitation facilities and institutional gender-specific sanitation facilities, to carry out capacity-building activities, and to train local artisans and other construction and technical workers.
Behaviour change
- This project identifies and builds needed skills in Change Leaders, and the following behaviours through SABC interventions: handwashing with soap and water at key moments, the appropriate use and maintenance of household latrines, the maintenance of community sanitation facilities, and payment of the water service tariff.
- This project takes income-generating proposals made by local organizations and develops them into successful businesses, to encourage micro-businesses and empower women.

Commune de Dori : Quand l’or fournit l’eau à plus de 60 000 personnes (French only)
Crédit : Le
Commune de Dori : Quand l’or fournit l’eau à plus de 60 000 personnes (French only)
Crédit : Le

Successfully transferred the water treatment plant

Two thematic shows

Construction works for the water treatment plant and pipe system

The project’s SABC interventions