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Sustainable results for a positive change

Read our impact reports
Solving the water and climate crisis requires us to see the bigger picture and challenge the status quo. Together with communities, private and public sectors, NGOs, and artists groups, the One Drop Foundation's projects will soon have improved the living conditions of nearly 3 million people worldwide.

Our projects

Our projects focus on people: we empower communities to solve the water and climate crisis!
Over 200 000
people impacted in 2022
Over 1 000 000 people
have better access to water services for their households, making many of them more resilient to extreme weather events
1,125,238 community members
engaged in personal and collective change processes thanks to social art, empowering themselves to lead their own transformative change in 2022
Explore our projects

More impact, together

Your donation goes SEVEN TIMES FURTHER!


Each $1 donated to the One Drop Foundation unlocks $7 in actual funding—from project partners, local governments, and communities—it all goes directly to our water mission, worldwide.

Discover our impact in 2022
Fundraising Initiatives
More than US$150,000,000 raised
in overall contributions to support our mission, since 2007
82 fundraising initiatives
held in 14 countries
More than $1.7 million
raised through online initiatives
Find out more about our fundraising initiatives
Awards & Distinctions

Our approach has gained recognition from some of the most important organizations.

Charity Intelligence granted

4 stars to One Drop for
the 2020 Impact Report

United Nations Water Award for Best Practices

in 2015

2019 Top 10 International Impact Charities

as recognized by Charity Intelligence.

2018 Top 10 Impact Charities

as recognized by Charity Intelligence.

International Water Association's

Innovation Award

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Impact Reports

Take a look at our impact reports
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